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ES analysis: Activity: Last week I marked Significant Buying twice and no Significant Selling.
Efficiency: see chart. w/e 08/01 Sellers were Active and Effective, w/e 08/08 Buyers and Sellers were both Active & ES stalled, w/e 08/15 Buyers were Active & ES rallied but on the larger timeframe the two most recent weekly Value Areas have been generated lower/overlapping the previous VA.
Negatives: Buyers have been Active but their Efficiency is not convincing, see above. Breadth is not yet Supportive and Bonds and Dollar look strong.
Positives: Price location is strong and charts did not break down with the recent sell-off
*********** BREADTH
CP Market Timing System: All major Market Charts remained negative.
Stocks>50dyma numbers: Nyse 41%, Nasdaq 40%, R2000 39%, UK 44%. Numbers >50 are supportive.
*********** SENTIMENT
Consensus Polls:
08/15: AAII (public poll). Big increase in optimism. Bulls% was sharply higher at 39.8%, a nine week high and up from 30.9%. Bears% was lower at 27%, down from previous weeks 38.2% – this is the largest single week’s fall in Bears% since August 2013 but note that previous week’s Bears% was the highest for nearly twelve months.
08/15: Investors Intelligence. Bulls% was lower at 46.4%, a six month low. Bears% was also lower at 16.2%
08/15: Market Vane (advisers) poll was higher at 60. Three week’s ago the number reached 66 which was the highest reading since the start of the year.
08/15: The NAAIM Exposure Index (a measurement of average current equity exposure among active money managers) was almost unchanged at 50.61. This is the lowest reading since September last year.
Mutual Fund Flow:
08/15: My version of the Rydex Assets Ratio ended the week at 6.40. On 07/29 the ratio reached 10.47, the highest in my database.
08/15: lipperusfundflows reported Equity Fund (inc ETF) inflows of $1.3 Billion in the week to 13th August. Note that the previous week saw the largest single week outflow since early February of -$16.4 Billion and the current 4Wk flow number is the lowest since August 2012
08/15: VIX ended the week at 13.17 having reached 17.57 on 08/01, the highest reading since early April. On 07/03 it closed at 10.32, the lowest since Feb 2007